John Curtis and his team are regularly asked to participate on radio shows and featured in written publications. Learn more below.
Investigations and the New Normal:
Assessing Credibility and Reliability in Pandemic Investigations
Larissa Donovan wrote an article which appeared on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada website. The article was about the reliability of investigations conducted virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ask the experts: Two of my executives hate each other and bicker constantly. What should I do?
First of all, ditch your denial and acknowledge their feud absolutely has effects—not just on the executives, but on everybody else in the organization.
“When two senior people fight, the rest of the staff naturally chooses sides. It’s negative, it sets a bad tone, and it spills over,” says corporate conflict mediator John Curtis. So start with a professionally conducted survey of the whole staff.
“This will help you understand the broader impacts and help inform how you design your mediation process,” explains Curtis. You could bring in an expert, or you could toughen up and deliver an ultimatum: “If you can’t work this out, one of you is going to go.”
Then stand by your word. “Unless there are consequences, there’s just no motivation to improve the relationship. It will just get worse.”
In the meantime, mediation should encourage your bickering execs to work things out. If not, it might save you from having to make a choice. “Sometimes the best thing that comes out of mediation is that someone self-selects themselves to leave,” says Curtis. Problem solved.
Read more in The Globe & Mail (subscription required).
Allegations against AMS permanent staff member determined to be “unfounded”
AMS Board of Director’s Ad Hoc Committee announced on Sept. 11 that allegations made against a permanent staff member at the AMS were determined to be unfounded.
Learn more on the Queen’s Journal site.
Queen’s Alma Mater Society retains John Curtis
While my work is usually confidential, on occasion I work on a high-profile case where the results are made public. During the 2018/19 academic year, I was retained to investigate an employment contract dispute for the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University.
Read the executive summary or check out the discussion on Reddit
Profile Kingston: John Curtis
John was profiled in the Fall 2017 edition of Profile Kingston.
MPP Randy Hillier Harassed Municipal Staff According to Investigator John Curtis
Lanark-area MPP Randy Hillier engaged in workplace harassment with his “unwelcome” criticism of staff at Tay Valley Township, an independent investigator has concluded.
Loyalist County Councillor Duncan Ashley Reprimanded by Loyalist Township after Harassment Investigation by John Curtis
Loyalist Township Coun. Duncan Ashley, a member of the Loyalist Township council since 1998, was publicly reprimanded by the Township’s council following a report that alleges he has been bullying, harassing and sexually harassing colleagues.
Choiceology with Dan Heath – A Number in Mind
John Curtis joins Dan Heath on Choiceology.
John Curtis speaks from 19:30 – 21:30.
Radio in the UK – Voice of Islam
John Curtis joins Shamail Ahmad and Mubasher Zafri on Voice of Islam.
Please scroll to 22min mark for the beginning of the Interview. Segment is 9 minutes
The End of Mandatory Retirement Intergenerational Conflict in the workplace

A recent change eliminating the mandatory retirement age in Canada brings new intergenerational challenges to the workplace. Listen to an interesting discussion of some of the potential impacts and possible tools for effectively managing these types of workplace conflict.
Listen from 9 min 30 sec to 17 min 21 sec