About John
Lawyer, Mediator, Investigator
John Curtis is a lawyer, mediator, investigator, and 2004 Olympic athlete in the sport of sailing whose practice is focused on resolving workplace conflict.
John has experience with a variety of workplace contexts including: municipal government, county government, community colleges, school boards, long-term care homes, restaurants, police services, paramedic services, and more. Combining his skills as a lawyer with the discipline, dedication, and passion that established him as an Olympian, John now helps organizations navigate their way through those conflicts that need outside assistance to resolve.
John has been working in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for 19 years both as a practitioner and educator. He has been a sessional lecturer at Queen’s University Law School and the Corporate Learning Trainer at St. Lawrence College, and was a lead instructor and principal with the Mediation Centre of Southeastern Ontario from its inception.
John earned both his Hon. B.A. in Philosophy and his Law Degree at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, where he now lives, works, and sails with his wife Kathleen and their children Jamie, Annika, Mitch, and Josh.